A Home That Spirals

written by Dominique Waldron

This scene was based off of my own personal experience when coming home after graduating from college; to a home that was in despair. Dealing with having my family needing to separate at what was supposed to be a milestone to go on to the next step, felt like a roadblock that said no I can’t let you get that far. I wanted to explore life’s unexpected events dealing with homelessness because it’s too common in a world where there’s too much land and space for any one to be homeless, in my opinion. I believe everyone should have a home. 

— Dominique Waldron

Dominique Stephane Waldron, is one of the most relatable people you will ever meet. She uses her writing to help people feel pretty damn good about being exactly who they are and helping them know that they matter; that their  story matters. Or at least that’s always her goal. Most importantly Dominique wants people to realize that brown skin and darker complexions are powerful.